It's my birrrthdaaay! And look at what Sean got me. My very own website! It's so great. I'm having so much of fun with it. Sean woke me up this morning with a tasty breakfast in bed and a decorated apartment (<--keeping the Scoresby tradition alive). What a dove!

He also got me this cool space pen used on all manned space flights (American AND Russian). How cool is that? You can use it in boiling heat (+250˚F), freezing cold (-30˚F), in the gravity-free vacuum of space, underwater and over grease, and even upside down! Boy, will this thing come in handy.

He wrapped it inside a Sean-made "box" in the shape of a rocket. I love Sean's homemade packages--one of the many things I love about him.

More to come later, I'm sure...
Is there some other person named "Brendan" posting on yourm essage boards? Why is that name not available? What the hey? Stay Gold Jen. You're neat.
That is weird. If this works, this is not Brendan but me, Jen. I wanted to see if this would work. Lets see...
You're neat too. Neat, neat fun.
Ah ha. Click on "other" and you can type in any name you want.
Super fun gifts. That rocket package is the coolest. Sean's my hero. you like stuff? What's going on? I would have to agree that Sean would be one that I would consider to be a hero type. Neat. Anywho, glad you had a good birthday. 25 years old is YOUNG so don't let it bather you. I think this site is cool. Good work Sean.
I do like stuff. Do you like stuff?
To go along with the rocket/space pen theme, sean is taking me to guess where...?
The Planetarium!! Oh yeah. At the Nat. History museum. I am pumped!
Now if only i could find my star trek sound effects keychain and jordi visor... Just kidding. What if i really did have that? Super lame. (not the keychain, the visor. The keychain is COOL.)
How was the Natural Hist. Museum? Sounds fun. Also, I've got a tone of Star Trek and Star Wars sounds if you ever want them. I saw this little MP3 player on The price was something like $52 but they give you and instant $20 dollar rebate when you buy it and if you apply for the credit card, they'll give you something like $30 off your next purchase. So, you basically end up paying around $2. That is kinda cool. I even have permission to get it but I haven't done it yet. Wait, don't you already have an ipod or something like that? Maybe it's not even worth it. Oh well.
The planetarium was freakin' cool. I am such a sucker for that stuff. And, it really opened my mind on a spiritual level.
Yes we have an ipod. But those sounds would be cool, man. You sent me one of "engage" which is rad. You also sent me one where Captain James T. Kirt yells "Kaaahhhnn!" and then we had the discussion about how I think Wrath of Kahn is the lamest/cheesiest of them all and you vehemently disagreed. Pff.
Oh you're right.. i always get those two mixed up. Mmph. No way. It's all, hi.. lets go to this "planet" that looks like my back yard with fake rocks and trees. Also, Kahn isn't even that wrathful. I mean, when I think of "wrath" i think of a heap o' anger and whatnot. The movie should have been called The Discomfort of Kahn or something. Although... that kind of sounds like he has hemorroids or something. Ha.
Ha ha.. basketball head. I'll have to check it out. That is true, those were definitely fake rocks.
But wait a minute. Why would Khan yell out his own name? That makes zero sense. See? The whole movie is senseless. That's right...
Except the part with the bugs in the ears is really gross.
That's ok. At the time you first made a comment, the only way you could do it was by signing up. But i changed it.
So now the movie is a) cheesy b) senseless and now c) confusing. Since it WAS J.T. Kirk who yelled out "Kahn" which was, i might add, the only real emotional part where anyone indicated any kind of wrath, the movie should be called The Wrath of Kirk...against Kahn, or something. And that's a dumb title, so no one would see the movie anyway, which is probably best. Just kidding. I won't go that far. But still, it is the cheesiest of them all.
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