We also went to one of my favorite places on Earth... the Planetarium!! I've actually never been to this one but it has to be the coolest one on the planet. Ha! Coolest planetarium on the planet! Heh heh.... *crickets chirping*

Um... so yeah. Frankly, it was really amazing. We sat in that giant sphere and the star show was incredible. The stars are placed how they're really located in space. NASA sends them updates as they make new discoveries. I find this incredibly cool and I wish i could live there, inside that sphere. I was proud to be able to locate some constellations before the voice of Tom Hanks pointed them out to us.
We visited the gift shop afterward and after much browsing, finally settled on a Natural History Museum mug. I admit it's a little cliché (if any souvenirs can be otherwise) but I figured a) the globe of the moon wouldn't be that cool since I don't know any of those craters or names of the scientists forwhom the craters have been named, nor will i ever get to VISIT these places, b) a t-shirt might not fit or might get dirty or ruined. Well, no. That's a lie. I wanted a t-shirt originally but all of them were really lame. And c) A mug would be good because we'll have it in our collection and years from now our kids will ask us if we got it at the actual museum in NY and we'll say "yes, yes we did" and we can tell them all about it. We need momentos of all the places we visit. Sean met a girl at church who works at that museum who said she could get us in to all sorts of events/exhibits for free. SWEET.
In summary, Sean = great and I love him. :) Happy day.

Totally digging the updates and pix. Don't worry about the crickets chirping and stuff. I'm laughing. I totally get it. You'll always be funny to me (sing this to the tune of Billy Joel's "You're always a woman to me).
Ha. I like it. Those should have been the real words. In fact, they are. As of now, in my mind.
Hey, that is neat! I think you can make your own blog but don't because I don't want you to steal my thunder. Just kiddin'.
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