This is the slogan for Dunkin' Donuts, in case you didn't know. Does this bother anyone else? I'm really freaked out by the idea that we're all constantly hepped up on caffeine and this is how we get our energy to live our lives.

And imagine the mass-detox the whole world (or i guess just America) would suffer through if it was taken away. Not that I am included in this, but it is another example of something I see in society that suddenly terrifies me for a brief second and makes me want to drop everything and move to the woods. I really don't like the idea of being addicted* to anything. I dont like the thought of having to rely on a substance just to feel ok (other than you know, like food and water.) I hate taking sleeping pills and never have, really, except for cold medicine. I can't STAND the gas they give you at the dentist. I feel weird and outside my body. Plus the dentist is where the devil resides which is a little unsettling for me. But yeah. Every time I see a commercial for DD, I'm very unnerved. Thoughts?
*no, chapstick doesn't count.
Yeah, that's a scary idea. America, the land of the free and the home of the brave, fueled by crap. They're full of it.
I would not like to see the detox that Jen would suffer through if there were suddenly no Natural Ice. It would not be pretty. At all.
at ALL.
I worked in a coffee shop in the Caribbean, and wow - you would not believe how much coffee those Med students would down each day! It was pretty frightening. I liked my HS friend's saying - if you wanna get high, climb a ladder. :0)
When I was in Korea, it was a reassuring reminder of home to see a Dunkin Donuts. So it has a special place in my heart.
And my arteries.
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