So for a Vday/Bday celebration, I surprised Sean with tickets to Otello at the Metropolitan Opera. It was wonderful and I just felt so good to be in such a culturally enriching atmosphere. This would make me sound like a snob were it not for the last sentence of the previous paragraph.
We also stayed in a hotel so we wouldn't have to hoof it home after the show and that was almost the best part. Here we are trying to look hot, for our night on the town.
Sean really nailed the pout here... he said he felt like Zoolander. This picture is a little weird/cool. It looks like we're mirror images of each other. No really. Our mouths, noses, eyes, etc, perfectly align. How interesting. We are geometrically proportionately made for each other.
We ate dinner at a very nice restaurant nearby and our food was delicioso. The dessert was probably the highlight. I am such a fan of fancy desserts. I love them so very much. I really appreciate presentation too. There is a real part of me that yearns to be a pastry chef. Then i remember i can't really cook. Oh well. I can, however, partake. And that we did. I found this picture on google and it's not exactly how it was, but pretty darn close.

Dark Chocolate Bag, is what it was called. This "bag" was filled with whipped cream with berries on top and further inside the whipped cream was this dense raspberry whipped cream insanity that would bring tears to your eyes.
Here is a picture of the opera house which sits between where the ballet performs and where the philharmonic orchestra performs.
Here's a picture of me walking in front of the Philharmonic building. I am sure that's its official name.
Here is a picture of us in front of the opera house.
It's so beautiful inside. All gold and velvet. You feel fancy pants just being in there. It's fun to be surrounded, too, by people who love opera as well. Here is the view from our seats. You can see Sean down to the left where he was scoping out the place during intermission.
Here is a picture of me when i was totally expecting Sean to take my picture one centimeter away from my face.
the ceiling was crazy cool and Sean was especially a fan.
Otello was great. Renee Fleming was great and I felt cool to know who that is. We had such a great time, we rushed home and bought tickets for La Boheme in April. I heart La Boheme and i am totally psyched. Woooot!
Ok, sorry for the videos. I normally never really take the time to watch them myself, on people's blogs, for some reason. But if you're interested (I just typed "interesting." ha! that too), listen to about the first minute and a half of this. At about 39 seconds is where my heart breaks and crumbles to the floor. Oh Pavarotti... oh Puccini...
And that was our fun weekend!
oh wait. We went to an IMAX movie the next day and here is the longest escalator ever. No no... that one would be in the High Street subway station, where you realize just how deep in the underbelly of the city you are and all sorts of pleasant claustrophobic sensations fill your gut.
Looks like such a fun weekend. I am happy to have been a part of it!
oh and judging from the sign above your head, the home of the Philharmonic is known as Avery Fisher Hall...
Looks like so much fun, and I'm totally jealous. Now, I'm glad we're all older and a little wiser, but remember the good ol' days when we'd whine and complain when Mom and Dad would play opera music in the car?
yes..shhhhh. i was young, i didn't know what i was doing.
Wow! That looks amazing. What a great b/day v/day outing.
Sounds like a grand time. Are they singing in English? Cause I couldn't understand any of it.....doesn't help that I have clogged ears and can't hear anything anyways. Looks fun and can I have a bite of the dessert?
Sometimes I'm ashamed that I don't enjoy that sort of high culture. Then I go watch the Simpsons and forget all about it.
Not that I have mudflaps with suggestive silhouettes on them or anything...
What a fun outing. I was feeling "fancy pants" just looking at the pics, I can't imagine the feeling of actually being IN the building. And that fancy desert? Way cool. I hope you didn't leave any left on the plate. That would be the only way to fully thank the chef for a job well done.
Oh man, jealousy is coursing through me!!! What a spectacular evening, and you got to see Renee Fleming?! Wow, that is incredible. Are there still tickets left for La Boheme??? The video you put on is seriously the very best part of the entire opera - when BYU put La Boheme on, my friend and I went and saw it twice. :0)
What a super classy couple! Joe and I got engaged at that fountain outside. Which was a lot cooler at the time, when we were just two silly kids from Kaysville...
I'm content knowing someone in the world has actually experienced my perfect Valentine's Day.
Ha ha. oh man... come visit again and we'll all do it together. I'm sure your perfect Valentine's Day includes us, right?
kelli--you were proposed to at the opera house fountain? that is pretty dang cool!
Yay opera, indeed!! :) and thanks again for that rockin' CD, Natalie. I gave a copy to my parents and they listen to it aaall the time. There are still tickets but many are sold out. hurry, hurry!
There are certain things in life, I believe, that require a little work to be appreciated. Sometimes these things are easily appreciated by people but for others, not so much. They require some more time. I think opera is worth it. I have gained a greater appreciation for things in my life, that I didn't before, particularly from having lived in NY. When i look back on that, I realize i can't turn my back on anything ever again, else i'd totally miss out.
Love that you guys did this. The whole event just sounds plain old fun! Except not plain cause it's really cool, but you know when you do stuff like this, it's just like wow, I have a fun life. Cause you do have a fun life!
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