What would be your American Gladiator name?
I can't believe I used to watch that show. But I did. Remember all the characters? Blaze, Nitro, Gemini, Ice, Lace, etc etc.
I just sat down to give this question some deep thought when the answer hit me almost immediately. Well, duh! Jenerator, of course.
What would be yours though? If you can't think of one, I could help you maybe.
Michellerator. Clever, I know.
Or, just "Missile." Sounds tuff.
Or, "The Shell." Eh? ehh? they're just coming to me.
I'd be pyro.
This is the hardest question I've been asked in a long time. I can't think of one. Help!
How about Joel Vault?
ha ha. i'll think about it some more...
Jon, didn't he already exist? You have to come up with a new one.
Can I be "Reaper"? It just sounds so cool...
Reaper might be ok. But i don't think of the grim reaper as being tough. He's kind of emaciated and pasty, right? and I don't picture him being quick on his feet. He's not aggressive, really. He just lurks. So i don't know. Have i analyzed this too much? Perhaps i have.
How's this? Jolt! haha...
Jon, i am sorry. I just looked it up on Wikipedia and there is no Pyro anywhere. I think i was thinking of X-Men maybe? Anyway, so yes, i apologize. That name is SOLID.
The Shell sounds so brakeable. And Missle....hmmmm maybe just "The Muncher!"
I think Rabid would be great. Is that spelled right? haha
Pasty and emaciated are actually all you'd need to choose me in a police lineup. Still, I suppose the idea is to inspire fear. Jolt is pretty good, so I'll go with that.
I think I would be Necrosis. But I tries really hard to get something with Rob in it!
Necrosis? What is that? You can't have a name that's too nerdery because then people will just be confused instead of threatened.
Rob...rob... Rob the Clobber. Clob. drrrr...
emaciated and pasty, ha ha, joel...
The Muncher. That's cool. Do you have a connection with that word or do you just like it? Will people picture you eating things or body slamming people? why am i giving so much thought to this?? Ahhh.. i need to post something new.
Menace. But that name is way too cool to have not been taken by a real gladiator, right?
Menace is perfect. Very nice.
I thought of another one for me: JenniFURY. It also sounds like Jen of Fury. It's a play on words.
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