But I think I could be a TV announcer. Why? Because I recently discovered I have the exact same reactions as the announcers do, when I'm watching a match on TV. It's actually really humorous. Wimbledon is going on right now, and while my heart belongs to the U.S. Open, I love all the slams. (which are the U.S. Open, Wimbledon, French open [that's on clay] and Australian Open)

Wimbledon is really fun because it's all prim and proper and everyone has to wear white. <-- i'm not really sure if this is true but I feel like everyone IS in white, so I wonder if it's a rule? It would not surprise me. Anyway, I totally get into it and get excited when a rally goes extra-long and it gets all tense and it is very exhilarating. And I'm over there, "Oooh!" "Aaak!" "urk!" "*gasp*" "Wow, that was amazing!" "ha-ha-ha!" Yes, by myself, when i watch tennis on tv.
I really love tennis. I love to play it. It is one of the joys of my heart. I feel alive and completely content and that all is good and right with the world when I play. Except when I suck. Then I am a demon-tennis player and you can hear my yells from a mile away. Just ask Ashley who took a tennis class during when I would play with a friend, many courts away. It's kind of embarrassing, but more for her, because her teacher would pause and comment on it and Ash would have to pretend she wasn't related to the ogre shouting curses and making non-human grunts of frustration. Is this right, Ash?
So I live in New York which means i have to go to the U.S. Open when I can. It takes place in Flushing Meadows, Queens. So far I've been twice. Once was when a friend had connections through her work. This was

suh-weet. We got a room with tons of food and then a balcony. Seriously, it was awesome. I think Roger Federer was playing in that match. In case you were wondering,
he's the best. He's not my favorite, but there is no denying he is the best (top seed). He just can't be beat.
The second time I went was on free tickets thanks to friends who couldn't go. It's exciting being at the U.S. Open! Even up in the nosebleeds. I just love to watch it, so much. So this year I think we will purchase some tickets. Fortunately Sean loves it too and we have tons of fun when we go. Even if I don't know the players playing, I love it still, because you get to know them. I love that the game is one-on-one, hand-to-hand combat. It is fencing with rackets. You come to feel like you know the players, and you are playing with them almost. It's very personal and the setting is quite intimate. And this is why fans love their tennis players so much, and vice versa, I think. This has turned ultra-cheesy but I don't care. I love tennis. And I think I'd do well sitting next to John or Patrick Mcenroe or Mary Carrillo.

...surprisingly, andre and john are quite short...
Wow! yes they are quite short. But it looks like God is smiling down with radiant approval at your announcer aspirations.
Yes, I think He is. And maybe I died? because apparently I have translucent skin.
Every time I hear the word Wimbledon, I think of you Jen. And yes, I think announcer would be a great job for you!
I so remember way back in the junior high school days when you used to play on the tennis team. AF junior high. Oh yeah.
Oh and yes, you were good.
I'd like to know what your fingers are doing, digging into John's shirt like that?
And yes. "Ogre" and "non-human grunts" are exactly right.
Tennis is all well and good, but I recently got a ping-pong table, and tennis just can't hold a candle to it.
ping pong is super fun, it's true. Kind of the lazy man's tennis. ;) But i'm just jealous you got a table.
Amy, I'm glad i played on a school team in an alternate universe you remember because in the one I lived in, I did no such thing. haha. I wish i had though.
My older sisters and brother in law love tennis. If you ever need a partner, my sister Tracy is always looking for someone to play with!
Is it just me or does your right hand look extra large? It kind of looks like man hands like in Seinfeld.
Jon, i'm really glad you brought that up because i have been thinking that too. TOTAL man hands. Geez, i could palm Andre's face. I guess i'm not so good with the sizing on photoshop.
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