Friday, July 11, 2008

3 things that gross me out

1- lettuces, of all kinds. I don't know why but ever since the dawn of time I am just totally disgusted when I have to handle them. I eat them fine. Salads, mmm. But touching it? Ewwwww. I hate it and I have this look of disgust on my face the whole time. I think it's subconscious because i love salads. Maybe it's a texture thing. I don't know. Ugh, even thinking about it is making me feel squirmy.

2- potatoes and garlic and other vegetables that sit on my shelf for a long time. I am so completely REPULSED by the fact that they continue to grow and sprout things. EWWW!! I got some garlic out last night and saw that it had sprouted claws. SO DISGUSTING. But i still eat it of course. Tastes good.

3- the word "hatchery." You know the opening scenes of Finding Nemo with all of Nemo's brothers and sisters before they get wiped out? EW. Totally grosses me out.


MelBroek said...

Seriously? Lettuce? Of all the things to be grossed out by...

Besides the normal spiders and rapists slash axe murderers, I guess the things that gross ME out the most would have to be hermit crabs. Because one time I wanted to hold one of my brother's so I picked it up by the shell and *splurp* *plop* *gush* the body fell right out of the shell. Grodysauce. I have never been the same since, and I can still imagine that lifeless ploppy feeling. Ew.

Lindsey said...

There was a road in Madison called "Fish Hatchery." It was a super major one too, so there was an exit off the freeway and everything. Our doctor's clinic (located on Fish Hatchery Road) was called "Hatchery Hill."

Yeah, I don't like the word much either. I remember asking Ryan why he thought they'd name a road such an awful name anyway. Guess they couldn't think of anything better!

Lianna said...

I am not truly convinced that you are grossed out by these things since you are still willing to eat them.

hotdogs gross me out and even worse bratworst (sp?) the look, the smell and there's no way I will eat them. now that is true grossed outness ;)

)en said...

Nay, I am not grossed out by the taste of these things. Potatoes and garlic only gross me out when they're growing things, but not overall. I don't eat them with their sprouts. And I'm grossed out more by the texture of lettuces, not the taste. Who could hate the taste of lettuce? there's barely any there. So my grossed out-ness is just really specific. :)

However I am very grossed out by the word "hatchery" and will never eat it. Nor will i eat a hatchery.

Natalie R. said...

I totally agree with you about growing potatoes - nasty!

Question for you: Which is correct, 1980s or 1980's? I'm never sure about that one, and if anyone knows, it's gotta be you! :0)

)en said...

no no, i am totally not the expert even though I pretend I am. I don't know the actual rule on that but for me, I think with numbers, I'd attach an apostrophe though that may be totally wrong.

Joel said...

The Chicago Manual of Style suggests leaving out the apostrophe.

MelBroek said...

Yeah, I always learned it was without.

)en said...

there you go, mystery solved. But you know, without the apostrophe, i think I might read 80s as eight-oh-S. Maybe i've formed a bad habit.

)en said...

p.s. lindsey--that road name is SO gross! Hatchery Hill. Ha ha. Sick.

p.p.s. it's cool when you make up the majority of the comments on your own blog.