One day long ago I stumbled on something that gave me a chill and made my skin crawl. I was mindlessly eating some baby carrots and then, there it was. I had finally found it, and I knew it immediately when I saw it: my pinky carrot twin!
Is it not???

OoooOoooOoo!! (<-- scary halloween music)
Ashley says:
I love how the second photo really captures Sean's total support of your insanity.
(That IS Sean's abdomen on the left, right? Now I can't tell...)
It can't be, Jen. Stuff like that only happens in movies.
Well, we all know what comes next. The twin tries to get rid of the original. Beware!
Aaah! But surely my pinky carrot twin wouldn't be evil would it??
(yes, Sean's abdomen. He knew what i was when he married me.)
Believe it, Brooke.
I've tried too long and hard to think of a word that combines the essence of doppelganger with vegetable. I can't do it. Must be the sleep deprivation.
Dear Jen,
I beg to differ, Max, may carry the Scoresby name but he assuredly looks like JONES
what the. Ah, i'm sure he does. I don't even remember what my family looks like anymore.
Did you save it? You could put it in a jar of formaldehyde and then if you ever have an accident resulting in the loss of your pinky you have an immediate go-to prosthetic.
"If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear."
I didn't. I ate it in the hopes that if I ever do lose a pinky, the magical powers from my carrot-pinky that's now in my system will somehow grow me a new pinky.
Well you officially have a Jones girl fan base...Me, My sister Liz and her daughter Kate just sat around for about 10 minutes reading your posts...No pressure....but we're just wondering what other vegetables/ fruits resemble other body appendages or limbs...mighte be a fun quest while you're out and about on your travels. Let us know what you find!
AbsoLUTELY I will! Yay for the Jones girls!
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