I don't have too many thoughts on hats. But I do have some. It is a continuing mission of mine to be a hat person. The problem used to be that I had to wear glasses and the hat would push down on them and give me a headache. Now that I have contacts again I can wear hats again if they aren't too tight around my brain. And I'm excited, for I love hats. I love them for many reasons. One of them is so I can hide from people when I'm out and about. Sometimes when you're around a lot of people a lot of the time, you need your own special place to go. And behind the brim of my hat can be a very special place indeed. My most recent hat purchase is this. I wear it as I think about hats.
One more thought: One of my favorite things, when I'm riding the bus Sunday mornings, is seeing all these church-going ladies wearing their fancy Sunday dresses with outrageous Sunday hats. It delights me. Better still is on Easter Sunday. Oh man. Fuschia, feathers, beads, veils. It is a sight, and one that pleases me immensely.
Dear Jen, what a totally awesome post! Wow, it's not boring at all. Tell us more about how you like wearing hatszzzzzzzzzzzzz.....
Don't be so hard on yourself. You just talked about fuchsia, feathers, and beads. THAT'S excitement right there.
I really liked your post, especially the comment about hats hurting when you wear glasses. I definitely know what your talking about.
I love wearing baseball hats. My dad teased me that I wouldn't be able to go my whole mission without my Mariners hat (I proved him wrong, though). :0)
I too know the shame of wearing glasses and a hat. It simply doesn't work.
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