Now, i'm thinking, oh perhaps a friend? Someone famous? But no. Apparently it was Liberty, as she leads the people.

I was busy working on something but leaned over and glanced at the painting he was referring to but couldn't see it clearly. To me it looked like Washington Crossing the Delaware or something. I was distracted and doubtful and said, "what...?" He said, "Yeah! Look at her face. She's got a nice little Spanish face." I just stared. What? I was not offended but just confused, and that's kind of a weird thing to say. I just stared. He then continued: "I mean, sure, she's built a little huskily. BUT... this is definitely who i thought of." More staring. Finally i looked at the painting. Ha ha. Alright, Sean. That's cool. (?)
(for the record, I was not topless when we first met. Nor leading any people, that I can recall.)
But you WERE carrying a bayonet. THAT I remember.
well, naturally.
Hey, isn't your nickname Marianne, too? After my mission, I helped a bit with designing the French Club shirt. We actually used Marianne, but censored her chest and wrote in the black box, "Guidant le Peuple." Needless to say, it was pretty wicked awesome. :0)
So would that be Sean at your feet lying on his back....sans trousers and only one sock?
p.s. that was brett
brahha. yeah, he was kind of a mess when i met him..
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