The first is Corn Chex.

Oh how I love thee, Corn Chex. Oh how I
Mmm... chili and garlic snack mix, you say?? stop the pouring right now! Forget a simple bowl for breakfast. Give me some o' that. If there's one thing I love in the morning, it's garlic, in any and all forms.
The second cereal I am obsessed with is my hemp plus granola.

I have eaten roughly triple my weight in strawberries this summer and there's no end in sight. One way i love to eat them is on top of a mound of this hemp granola which sits atop a healthy portion of vanilla yogurt. I have discovered the trifecta of breakfast awesomeness and it is that. It is so perfect, I am sure that if i were to add one more ingredient--even one more--it would render the concoction abysmal, and useless. This box of cereal has its own delightful recipe on the box but instead of a recipe, it's a warning of toxic danger, something I also enjoy as I partake of a bowl in the morningtime:
Oh I love my hemp. I eat it ALL the time and if i run out, I treat it as a national emergency. Actually, I can't believe i'd even allow myself to run out. I should always have a spare box. Sean thinks I may be consuming too much of the hemp, that I might be addicted and that it's clouding my senses and judgment. He says, "Jen, I think you may have a problem..." whereupon I reply, "What?! Shut up! YOU'RE the problem!!!" and i take my box and slam the door in his face. He doesn't understand. I need my hemp. And i can stop any time, but why would i, when it has been so good to me? Sweet hemp... hush. Hush, now.
!Bonus Cereal!
I forgot about this one but it needs to be mentioned honorably:

Fruity Cheerios. I've tried them and I can tell you now, they are just as good as you have dreamt them to be. Buy some today.
I can attest to the delectabilitude of all of those, though Fruity Cheerios are a new favorite as well. They hit the spot when you want a really sugary, nutritionless breakfast food or snack — without as much guilt as a bowl of Fruit Loops might bring.
Did you just leave Almond Honey Bunches of Oats off this this list? Also, Quaker has a granola that we buy at Sam's club from time to time, it's like eating a bowl full of cookies for breakfast...or anytime, which is what we do. Our jumbo Sam's club sized box of granola lasts about 1.5 days.
Almond Honey Bunches of Oats are good, it's true. I go through HBOO phases. Bowl of cookies... that reminds me of Cookie Crisp and how i always yearned for it in my youth. I don't think i've ever had it and sadly, i would probably not like it now. I will in my dreams though. In my dreams...
(why am i apparently having all these cereal dreams?)
Ash, nutritionless? i beg to differ. Cheerios are totally good for you. Click on the picture. "Naturally flavored." "Excellent source of WHOLE GRAINS"?? It's like eating a box of dried broccoli.
My favorites are Life and Lucky Charms. I could eat those all day everyday, but I try to limit myself to two bowls a day.
I've never heard of hemp being used in a cereal, that's pretty crazy!
OK, I am out of it. I know there are always really important forums for discussion on your blog but sometimes I get preoccupied with my own life and selfish nature. This makes me seem really busy and important (because let's face it I am).
It's important to note that I wouldn't be who I am without Barbara's Bakery Shredded Oats. Seriously, run don't walk. Also, I am a strong proponent of the Corn Chex. I cannot imagine why you would abandon the sugary goodness of Froot Loops, but then again you're older and wiser than I (mainly older).
Thank you for reminding me of the importance of a balanced breakfast/lunch/snack/dinner.
This morning's breakfast was a mind-blowing peach blueberry crumble pie that this girl I know made and then hid in my fridge. She is welcome to break into my apartment and leave pie as often as she wishes.
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