Tuesday, August 11, 2009

I'm wondering...

If they can make seedless watermelon and seedless grapes and seedless clementines, why can't they engineer a pitless cherry? Because i'm really getting tired of all the pits, though they do interestingly provide evidence of just how many cherries i can consume in 5 minutes (approximately 437).


Joel said...

The other day I was hoping for seedless strawberries. One big seed I can handle; all those little tiny crunchy things are just annoying.

Amberbop said...

Hey, did you ever sing the riddle song at camp? I can't really remember it but I know it had a line about givin' your love a cherry with no stone. It sounded ideal but I think it was supposed to sound sad.

There was also a line about givin' your love a baby with no cry. I'll talk to you about that when dreaming of seedless cherries is replaced with longing for peace and quiet.

Pedersen Posse said...

oooh... great idea. I'm all for a pitless cherry.