To review: The Armory Show is a big fat art exhibit that takes place every year on 2 long piers on the Hudson. They build a structure with a roof and there are little cubicle-type things inside, each showing a sampling of art from galleries around the world. I remarked one year that it is reminiscent of a science fair, and everyone brings their most crazy, sparkly, shocking pieces. What a spectacle.
Here we go!
First, we saw this on our walk to the piers. Another urban fossil.
We looked at this painting first. Sean and a friend really liked this but i wasn't a fan. I like op-art but i don't like things that make my eyeballs burn, usually. I guess it must have been spray paint, which is kind of fun. But at the armory, i am a quick and ruthless art critic. I have to be. There's so much to see.
Here is Sean by some art that he liked.
Here is a more head-on pic. He did one like this once, long ago, before we met i think. It was like a super pixelated picture of a cow head. I could see it easier if i was 20 feet away or took off my glasses. Sean's so ahead of his time.
I liked this one. Can you see me? the stroller blanket? my boot?
Why, what is this? Did we somehow stumble onto a ship in the harbor? The Intrepid, perhaps? Looking through a magic porthole, or "portal" to another dimension?
No. It's just a regular porthole. On the wall.
I thought this one was delightful. I'm not sure what these were made of. Sean is better with materials. But they were these vase/urn things, as you can see, each painted a color. And i loved the way the multiple facets & the reflecting light gave us all these different shades.
Sean! How did you get stuck in that sculpture?
Oh, it's not Sean. Just a replica of a man with his exact body type. Not to mention love of gray.

And a brief break to feed the baby.
Oh my. This was probably the weirdest thing there. A cow on a cougar on a.. what, a rooster? pheasant? i can't tell what that is.
Lastly, these were my faves. I mean, really. How delightful.
I really like the swirly waves too. In fact, I attempted something similar when Anna and I were painting together the other day. Complete fail.
What the cool spoon with baby food in it! That's a work of art in and of itself!
I liked the porthole and the mirror craziness.
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