Monday, May 03, 2010

Bolding Flying Where No Kite Has Flown Before

Wow that's a lot of title.

So, i have some sad news to report: Remember Sharky, the best kite I ever had? (up until now) Well... for my birthday we had a birthday picnic and kites party at the park. It was awesome. We had all these cool kites with of course, Sharky soaring 1,000 feet into the cloudy abyss. He was glorious. Until the wind died a bit and his string got caught in trees and he fell, never to be seen again. It was tragic. Some people went to find him but 1,000 feet is kind of far. It was unsuccessful. I'm sad, but I take comfort that he got to fly/swim again, and also maybe, string still caught in the treetops, people will see him fly again and he'll be known as the Ghost Shark of Prospect Park. Every once in a while, if you're lucky, you may catch a glimpse.

A few days later, still lamenting his loss, what did i get in the mail to quite significantly cheer me? Why, ANOTHER FRIEND KITE!

Behold!! Thanks, Melissa, my birthday twin! You're the BEST. Your gift has my spirits soaring at Warp 12.


MelBroek said...

I'm so glad you like it! I'm also glad that it had such great timing. Leave it to Jean-Luc and Data to know when they were needed. :)

Amber Alvarez said...

I wish this post was called "baldy" flying where no kite has flown before! Har har har.

Yay for kites and for Sharky and for your birthday and for Jean-Luc and Data.

Rob said...

Warp 12 is totally not possible. And Happy Birthday!

)en said...

...until now.

and, thanks!

Natalie R. said...

I love the idea of a Ghost Shark flying above Prospect Park, that is really pretty cool. Who knows, maybe you'll find him someday?? And until that day, I'm' glad you have a dang cool kite to keep you going. ;0)

Joel said...

But why isn't it shaped like the Enterprise?