Thursday, September 16, 2010

Cereal Thought



  1. The best part about this post is that you printed out a picture of the granola, cut it out precisely, and then glued in on to your memo pad.

    That is some serious dedication to consistency, my friend.

  2. That reminds me of Bachelor Chow from Futurama.

  3. What an awful brand name.

  4. One of the mission myths from my mission involved the cream of wheat-type stuff my mission president recommended we eat for breakfast. The story goes that some sister missionaries found a huge bag of it for SUPER SUPER cheap and began eating it every morning. And then began packing on extra weight like crazy. It turned out that what they'd gotten was actually chicken feed, used for fattening up chickens.

    I don't know if it's true or not, but it was how I justified splurging on real cereal for breakfast every morning!

  5. Ha. Not quite. I took a pic of a blank sticky note and photoshopped a pic of the cereal onto it. But i'll take "cut it out precisely" as a compliment of my PS skills. :D

    Ha ha, love those mission myths.
