Monday, March 14, 2011

Muffin Sap

Now for some muffin-filled sap. They say life is in the little moments. Or, maybe no one says that.  But i am, now.  And today was a day filled with said moments. 

I was making some mini-banana muffins (with a chocolaty center. Jen's Rule of Cooking #1: Putting stuff in the center is always a good idea).  I put the first batch on paper towels on the table and as i was filling the second batch, i turned around to see a small chubby arm reaching up for one.  Being a cautious child, Julian didn't snatch it immediately and run away to eat it.  He was just touching it, kind of experimenting in his ability to reach and grab things that are up high.  I turned and saw him and he retracted and it just made me laugh to see him be sneaky.  That he has the capability of being sneaky, or what appears to be, even if that was not his intent.  It was so adorable that i let him have it (I know, i am so kind). I kind of had to prod him to it. "C'mon, take it."  I tried to make him sit to enjoy it but it was difficult. He just stood and softly poked.  It took some coaxing. Anyway, i let him be and he finally did take it and the next time i turned around, he was sitting on his rump, stuffing the mini-muffin in his mouth with chocolate smeared all around him.  I was pleased and snapped some pictures of him. I then realized he had shoved the whole muffin (wrapper and all) in his mouth and was trying to work his way around it.  I fetched out the wrapper and was delighted with the whole experience for it's these little Original Life Moments that i am really loving. Because who in the world doesn't know that you don't eat the muffin wrapper?? Little 1.5-year-old humans who've never eaten a mini-muffin, that's who. 


Ashley said...

What an adorable little ragaMUFFIN. Ha! I love these moments. In fact, I'll never forget the first time I ate a muffin wrapper...

Kim said...

What I read was, "Today was a day filled with SAD moments," and then I was reading along trying to figure out what was sad about the story.

Cause I'm awesome.

Rob said...

I love the look on his face, "Why are you taking a picture? It's just a muffin."

Cute stuff.

Brooke said...

I love the sneakiness. He is a little sneak, that Julian.