Tuesday, July 09, 2013

The fruit in my house

Right now, and in alphabetical order:

  • apples, 3 different kinds (fuji, golden delicious, and granny smith)
  • 1/2 of an avocado
  • bananas
  • blueberries
  • a cantaloupe
  • grapes
  • one lemon
  • peaches
  • pears
  • plums
  • strawberries
  • two kinds of tomatoes, if you count tomatoes, and i do.
Other fruity thoughts:

I've realized some things about fruit.  One was the other day when we traveled to NJ to go to a fun grocery store (it always sounds so ridiculous, that we travel so far (1hr) to go to a grocery store. But in my defense we did also go to a nearby fair. Also in my defense, i really love fruit.)  We bought some black raspberries because they were cheaper than regular and because Sean said he always preferred them growing up, as opposed to the original red.  He thought the black raspberries were the real thing.  SO SAD.  First of all, is there anything better than a giant fresh raspberry? NO.  Which is why they cost $99/berry.  Secondly, the black raspberries were, how shall I put it... gross.  Ok, not disgusting, but not great. Super tart, kind of sour.  And then i realized we just weren't eating it in its destined form. These kinds of fruits aren't meant to be eaten as they are.  They're meant to be made into something! My favorite jam of all time is black raspberry from Beth's Farms.  Another fruit that's inedible by itself but awesome when made into something:  rhubarb.  I think of sweet fruits made into sweet things and it's just boring. But those things give it some kick.  I feel good about myself when I can help inanimate objects become all they can be.  

Lastly, here's something you can make with blueberries:

Recipe here

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Looks delish! I made some strawberry hand pies recently with a cream cheese crust, and they were delightful. Love a dessert that is meant to be portable and convenient and also good.