Tuesday, December 12, 2017

And That's What Christmas Means to Me

The other day a woman in my neighborhood named Faye instructed me hold out my hand and close my eyes. It took me a minute but when I realized what was happening I got really excited and could never have guessed what surprise she had in store for me.  Which was this:

It's a scrubber wreath. For doing dishes. A HOLIDAY DISH SCRUBBER.  THAT SHE MADE. Are you kidding me? This woman knows how to make all sorts of things and gives them out to neighbors on a whim, like crocheted frisbees and paper boxes.  Apparently this one is made out of tulle and you can wash it by tossing it in the dishwasher.  WHAT.  Just, what??   

And now my Christmas is complete.  Thank you, Faye.  Best.

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