I believe there comes a time in our year where we suddenly become the age that's next. You know what I mean? Become, instead of simply turned it, turned nine, for instance. And it doesn't necessarily happen on the day of our birth. For example, I was watching Julian take a bath a couple of weeks ago. He was taking showers for a while and reverted back to the bath. He's fully capable of doing the job himself but he's always trying to rope me into staying and talking which I can understand because I do the exact same thing to Sean. (we get bored.) So I decided to stay, and chatting animatedly, he was telling me some grand story about ______________ (I was listening). And I saw his long reed-like body and listened to his subtly maturing voice and laughed at the words he chose to use, and all of a sudden it hit me: Oh. You're nine now. This is nine. Just like that. And it happened in the bathtub.
I'm going to put up a bunch of pictures of the boy, and I do mean a bunch. But before I do,
I was hiking one day, listening to a podcast of an interview with the writer John Banville. I haven't read anything he's written but I looove listening to writers talk about writing. Here's his wiki page if you're interested in learning more. Also here's the link to the interview. But he's this sort of codgy old Irish guy who perhaps said it best:
"Children just pretend to be children to save the embarrassment of adults. We know everything by the time we're nine...The rest is just refinement, the rest is detail. But we know it all by then, but we pretend we don't, so that our parents won't be embarrassed."
This summer has been the summer of the legos. And as you can imagine, it's been glorious. First was lego camp, then we went to Legoland in CA which was pret-ty great, and just so many hours spent building. Julian has a lot of intellectual energy, I'd say, and legos channel that nicely. Honestly, is there a better toy? He's downstairs right now, in fact, building as I type. For my birthday I got a lego set of my own of a modern house that came with a mom and a boy. We named her Betty and the son is Junior. Julian will spend hours coming up with "lego adventures" for us to have where Junior gets kidnapped or trapped or placed in mortal peril of some kind every time and we have to go save him with the help of well-intentioned neighbor, Mr. Bones and his shoddy vehicular constructs that keep falling apart. I don't know why I, I mean Betty keeps letting Junior come with
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Jabba's barge? |
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No wait, maybe this is Jabba's barge. |
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So much time spent examining. |
One morning I heard a bellow and then, "Whew, I almost fell into my own Lego bin." Now that's a fun visual.
Also, from the other room while he was lego'ing, "Mommy?" (Writing that out looks SO weird. Like, nobody calls me "Mommy," are you insane? But he does, he does call me that. And I love it. But still i'm like, who?)
Soo funny. Often we will all of us sit at dinner and be reading something. And that is how our family time is spent.
Also, from the other room while he was lego'ing, "Mommy?" (Writing that out looks SO weird. Like, nobody calls me "Mommy," are you insane? But he does, he does call me that. And I love it. But still i'm like, who?)
"Did you know that love can survive a coma?"
"Oh? Tell me about it."
"Well, I don't know anyone but I read it in Readers Digest and I know that it can happen."
"I believe it."
Soo funny. Often we will all of us sit at dinner and be reading something. And that is how our family time is spent.
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"Julian, help Dad push the TV cart." |
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T'was also the summer of the boy-tank. |

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I love these pictures so much. |
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Food truuuuuuucks! |
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Sean quote: "They've taken a perfectly good bench wall and ruined it by putting a bench in front of it." |
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This is Julian looking carefully for another Ray Bradbury book for me in a book shop in Carlsbad, CA. Are ya kiddin' me? {heart} |
My oldest brother is dad to the oldest grandchild in our family who's 26. I remember my brother saying once that he realized, perhaps a little too late, that kids are who they are by the time they're about ten or so and if he could he might go back and do things a little differently, make special use of that time. It's something I think about. I do feel that the days of malleability are slipping through my fingers. The clay is hardening, if you will. (p.s. I worked on this blog post for quite some time before seeing I had originally typed "claw is hardening." What kind of metaphor would that be, Jen?? Made me laugh.)
On our drive to California we passed Las Vegas and the most amazing thing happened. Behold:
JEN: Look, there it is, Julian: Sin City.
JULIAN: Huh. I wonder if that's offensive to citizens there? Or maybe they're called "sinizens?"
JEN: *MUCH LAUGHTER.* {cry face cry face}
Baby's first pun! Seriously, he is so clever. I am dying over it.
JULIAN: Hey, is it possible to give advice to Walmart?
SEAN: No, they're legendary on that. They do what they like.
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JULIAN: I like your nails. I get mine painted sometimes.
GALPAL: You do? [giggle] What color?
JULIAN: sparkles.
GALPAL: [giggle, giggle]
JEN: [giggle] That's right, sparkles are the best. *Looks down at sparkly toes.*
Dang, it was a moment of him recognizing that maybe it wasn't a boy thing too and that he wasn't all too sure he wanted to say more. "...sparkles..." Dang.
A couple of weeks ago we were at the library and I found the American Girl books. I loooved these as a tween but back in my day there were only like four girls. I thought they were so great and would always keep my eagle eye out for one I hadn't read, any time I visited a library, and it was like gold when I found one. So, a fan of the originals, I selected Molly Saves the Day (Molly is the girl from WWII times, if you'll recall). The stories are so great, the little illustrations throughout are so well done and fun. We read it and I was happy to see it was just as good as I'd thought when i was 10. Julian enjoyed it too and asked if we could get some more and I had to stay cool a little bit-- "sure, yeah." while secretly cheering gleefully.
So in this same car ride it somehow came up and Julian mentioned we'd been reading them.
GAL PAL: [giggle] You like American Girl?
JEN, interjecting: I mean, why not, right? They're great stories and really well written. Stories about girls can be for boys too.
Honestly it's an effort to combat all these societal notions instilled in these kids at such a tender age. But it's a battle I'm happy to fight and i pump my fist to the heavens every single day. A few days later we checked out Meet Molly and Meet Samantha (from the Victorian era) and I figuratively did another fist pump while acting like it's a completely normal thing for books with female protagonists to be for boys, because it is. It is normal.
Greatest piano practice quote everrrr: "I never wanted to learn piano! I'll probably grow up to be a famous musician and that's not what I want to do with my life!" {cry, sob, cry} Dyyyiiinnggguh. At least he has no lack for confidence. |
"I hope I have a kid like me."
"Oh yeah? What is it about you that you like, that you'd want your kid to have?" "I'd want everything I have in me." |
As mentioned, I'm hearing aaaall sorts of things that I say repeated back to all of us and really, I couldn't be more pleased. I mean of course this has always happened but for some reason it feels different now, like oh, you've voluntarily adopted this into your vocabulary. I am always commending Julian on his vocab and word choice and perhaps there's a good reason why. A few words I've noticed he says on the reg:
1. Enorme. Meaning large, in French. Sean scoffed a little until I told him it's a real word, not just an abbreviation. Now he sees how cultured he is.
2. Forev. "I haven't done that in forev!"
3. Delish. It's just weird because it sounds just like me. I feel like I'm listening to me talk. Again, extremely proud. But so weird.
There have been a bunch but those are the ones I managed to write down.

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At Ruby's on the pier. |
Happy 9th, best friend.
This melts my stony heart. I see some interesting oldest-child similarities to my own Samuel, and Julian is obviously a brilliant kid. It sounds like he's got his pick of the gal pals. But I would totally hook him up with my oldest girl, who is only a few months younger. (I have no idea if that link will work.)
I love the feminist attitude. I always let my boys enjoy pink as their favorite color or wear their sister's shoes or whatever, and my four-year-old daughter said last night that she wants to be a fireman. You go, girl! You can be anything you want to be.
OMG- that pic is good, real good. Yeah, I'm on board with that. Julian's currently in the middle of a serious crush on a classmate, continuing from last year, but let's just see how that pans out; you never know.
Joel, LOVE all you said about letting your kids just like what they like. I have all the heart eyes for that kind of stuff. Also fifty high-tens. Wow, I've really let emojis seep into my vocabulary, haven't I... (Thinking emoji...)
Jen I love this and I love you and I love Julian and Sean. Man alive I wish we were still neighbors. Happy birthday to that incredible human you get to hang out with! And way to train him up to be so dang incredible.
And I love YOU! And I do TOO! 😭 ❤️
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