Do you say foh-lee-yuj? Or foi-luj. Because if you say foi-luj, you're wrong. It's foh-lee-yuj. Man, I typed "yuk" every time. Also ending a word with a "j" just does not feel right. Nicki Minaj might argue otherwise. Another funny typing error I repeatedly committed earlier today was when I was trying to type "Jeff Goldblum." Couldn't do it. He was "Jeff Goldbum" or "Jeff Goldblub." His name came up like 3 separate times and each time something wrong happened. But it's good we're all still talking about Jeff....Gold..blum (I TYPED BUM). That's the important thing. (geez)
Weather/climate-wise, this was a pretty dry and gross summer. I think I counted two times it rained the whole season. And a dry and gross summer makes for a washed-out crumbly fall. Everyone was so outside-starved too, and that made every possible destination packed with humans socially converging, or whatever the opposite of "distancing" is. Still, I went out, and I tried to see whatever colors the autumn could give me in her last dying, wheezing breath. Here's what I found:

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