Every year in the pre-Christmas season, I start listening to offbeat, side street (what's the opposite of "mainstream?") Christmas music. Indie I guess it is. And often it's Sufjan Stevens, who I like, but also I don't know many others whose music I generally like. If you have suggestions, please let me know. I'd love to shuffle songs by the same artist. But I was listening to him one day and perhaps Alexa was giving me similar artists, I can't remember, but Sean came in and remarked that he always pictures "hipsters on a hayride" when he hears music like this and I sure loved it. It's a nice visual, picturing all these similar artists together, chillin' on a hayride, wearing plaid, some in Santa hats, some in beanies. Everyone's got a guitar or obscure instrument like a didgeridoo*. Cracks me up, and I think it should be the name of a compilation album.
Who else would go on this album? No seriously, tell me, I'm looking for more hipster Christmas music.
*Let it be known that is the FIRST time I've ever typed didgeridoo and I spelled it right! Amazing! I was shocked. Also, exciting moment. The christening of words. I'm glad it happened in the Christmas season for this one. I think I might ask Alexa to play "Christmas didgeridoo songs." You never know.
I have no music suggestions, I'm so deep in Taylor Swift these days. But I love that drawing.